What Color Light Helps You Sleep?

If you are someone who sleeps with a light turned on in your bedroom, you should know the best color night light you should have in your bedroom for the best sleeping experience. In this article, we will discuss all the different night light colors and find out what color light helps you sleep.

What Color Light Helps You Sleep?-Mintal

Benefits and risks of light for sleep

Light from a night light is very helpful for people with a fear of the dark. This condition is common in children but can occur at any age.

If turning on a night light helps a person fall asleep easier and sleep better during the night, this could support overall health. Because lack of sleep can increase the risk of several chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Some research also shows that light therapy using a blue night light can improve sleep quality and ease symptoms of depression.

On the contrary, some potential downsides of turning on a night light for children is that they may become dependent on the night light for sleep as they get older. For adults, the habit of sleeping with a night light will cause trouble if they sleep with other people. In addition, night lights can emit light wavelengths that affect sleep by reducing the amount of Melatonin – a hormone that helps induce sleep.

So, what color light helps you sleep?


The matadors wear red to aggravate bulls, so you might be surprised to learn that red light has been widely deemed the most relaxing light color for sleep.

In stark contrast to most forms of artificial light, red light may actually increase melatonin production, improving sleep quality and length as per a 2012 study. This study, performed on Chinese female basketball players, also showed increased endurance performance the next day. This makes sense considering the correlation between a good night’s sleep and your physical fitness and energy. In fact, the study’s authors even concluded that red light irradiation had potential as a sleep disorder treatment.


Technically, pink could help you sleep because it’s a combination of purple and red, both warm or potentially warm colors. If you’d like a softer glow at night, pink might be worth trying out.

What Color Light Helps You Sleep?-Mintal

How to get the best color light to sleep

Now that you know what color light helps you sleep, how can we get them.Knowing which light colors are harmful or effective in sleeping habits is important because it will help us decorate or innovate our bedroom layout to expose ourselves to better light colors that will help us fall asleep instantly.

Remove electronic devices from the bedroom

For one, do not install any television sets inside your bedroom. TVs emit many intrusive blue lights and can be disruptive when trying to sleep. It would also help install dimmer switches in your bedroom to adjust the lights according to time.

Change bathroom light bulbs

Change your bathroom lights from white to yellow or dimmer. You can also try installing a light dimmer switch in your bathroom. It would help if you also considered switching to LED lights in your bedroom that can change colors.

Try to get natural light in the morning

You can also move your bed to where the windows are to get natural light during the day. If that is not possible, try using a red light therapy lamp to help regulate your sleeping patterns.

Set a lighting schedule

Lastly, make sure to set a regular lighting sleep schedule and stick to it! This means you should stop using any blue-light emitting device at least two hours before bed. You should try to avoid too much exposure to any artificial light after this time. Use red, pink or yellow lights (for example in night lights) as you are getting ready for bed. This will help your body become sleepy, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up.

What Color Light Helps You Sleep?-Mintal

If you are looking for what color light helps you sleep, red is the best option. However, you can also go as per your preference, and the result will not be discouraging. Mintal Tracker can helps you monitor your sleep quality.However, you should not go for blue shades at any cost as it can cause sleeping disorders. Besides, complete darkness is not a bad option, but red clearly is the best option for everyone.


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