What Is The Relationship between Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss?

Is there a connection between lack of sleep and hair loss? There is no denying that sleep is good for our bodies. It gives time for our body to relax and repair, ready for the morning. When we don’t get enough sleep, the stress hormone called cortisone is released. Stress is not good for us either, and stress can cause hair loss.

Studies have shown that stem cells for hair growth depend on our body clocks. Our body clocks will be thrown out of sync if we do not sleep well. Thus a prolonged lack of restful sleep will have a negative impact on our physical health.

What Is The Relationship between Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss?-Mintal

Relationship between Lack of Sleep And Hair Loss

Either directly or indirectly, insufficient sleep can interrupt the hair growth cycle, which in turn can lead to thinning and hair loss. Healthy hair growth requires sufficient sleep for hair follicle cell turnover and regeneration.

As lack of sleep causes higher levels of stress, both physically and emotionally, the risk of telogen effluvium increases. Telogen effluvium is a reversible type of hair loss when hair falls following a stressful experience. The stress triggers a large number of hair follicles into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle.

Failure to get adequate amounts of sleep can affect the hormone levels in your body, causing them to become imbalanced. For instance, sleep deprivation causes reduced levels of the human growth hormone and increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone). Hormones play a large role in hair growth. Increased levels of cortisol can inhibit hair follicles from growing health strands of hair, while insulin affects the storage of nutrients that play a part in the growth of your hair. Ensuring you are getting enough sleep is important for maintaining hormonal balance, which in turn, promotes healthy hair growth.

What Is The Relationship between Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss?-Mintal

Will My Hair Grow Back If My Sleep Improves?

Hair loss caused by lack of sleep should only be temporary. Once sleep improves and cortisol levels are restored, our bodies will function normally again. Sleeping more will not help with hair regrowth but may reduce further hair loss

There are ways to help hair regrow after loss caused by sleep deprivation. Try to improve sleep quality by eating healthily and restricting technology usage.However, if hair loss continues, speak to a professional who will help you discover the potential cause.

How to Treat Lack of Sleep And Hair Loss?

Nowadays, most people live a very busy life, and whatever might be the reason for your sleeping disorder you may try to follow some of these practices that ease the level of stress in your body and help you get a good night’s sleep.

Yoga and breathing exercises

It has been proven to give beneficial effects. For this reason, people often practice yoga to seek relaxation and stress relief. Mintal Tracker has many yoga courses to choose from.The latest research showed that after yoga, people’s anxiety and stress levels diminish.

Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes

The negative effects of tobacco and alcohol consumption on our health and hair are widely known, for this reason, we recommend you to avoid them.

Set your sleeping schedule

Trying to sleep always at the same time, even on weekends will help your body to have better repose.

Those are simple indications that can help people cope with stress and sleeping problems.

What Is The Relationship between Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss?-Mintal

The answer to the question “ lack of sleep and hair loss” is, yes, it can have an effect. There is evidence to suggest it plays a role. However, it is clear to see that stress itself is a cause.There are various ways to prevent or reduce hair loss due to lack of sleep. A few simple changes to your lifestyle can be very beneficial. Hair quality and shedding can easily be improved by changing sleeping patterns, evening eating habits, and alcohol consumption.


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