Is Drinking Water Before Bed Good Or Bad?

Water makes up 60% of our body weight and helps lose weight, improves our skin and makes ourselves full of energy. Through one super simple thing – keeping drinking water before bed, you can reap the benefits of storing nutrients and minerals, keeping health and hydrated and cleaning up acne.

Pros of Drinking Water Before Bed 

1.It helps digestion

When we drinking water before bed , we are also hydrating our body, allowing it to function correctly. Proper hydration facilitates the digestive process, eliminating that typical after-dinner feeling of heaviness and accelerates the intake of nutrients.

2.Cleanses the body

Water has a detox action, which means it helps us to “cleanse” our body of all those accumulated toxins that come from pollution or poor nutrition.

3.Lose weight

Drinking water before bed gets your metabolism working and therefore becomes a sort of natural slimming: our body makes a significant effort to raise water temperature to adapt it to our body, thus burning many calories.

4.Promotes sleep

Since our body is completely at rest during the night, this becomes the ideal time to replenish all the necessary minerals and nutrients. Furthermore, by greatly facilitating the digestive process by only drinking, we can grant ourselves more peaceful and rejuvenating sleep.

Is Drinking Water Before Bed Good Or Bad?-Mintal

5.Lowers blood pressure and heart rate 

Drinking water before bed helps the heart pump blood more efficiently, as it may prevent strain on the heart, blood pressure, and heart rate. When a person’s heart rate and blood pressure are lower, they’re better able to de-stress and relax, which helps with falling asleep faster and staying asleep.

6.Improves mood  

The good news is that research suggests that hydration may improve mood, calmness, feelings of satisfaction and produce other positive emotions, which may help create the right atmosphere for a peaceful night’s rest.  Other studies also show that dehydration may lead to poor mood, irritability, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue, all of which may hinder sleep.

7.Relieves headache symptoms 

Sometimes, falling asleep may be difficult because of a lingering headache. If this is you, then drinking water before bed may be the remedy for relieving your symptoms.Another study recommended that people who experience headaches increase their water intake as a potential remedy for managing their symptoms.

Is Drinking Water Before Bed Good Or Bad?-Mintal

8.Prevents dehydration 

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it replenishes. A person will enter a dehydrated state when they lose 2% or more of their water body content. When dehydrated, a person may experience thirst, dry mouth, lips, and eyes, increased heart rate and body temperature, poor mood, muscle cramps, and irritability. These symptoms may impact a person’s ability to fall and sleep and get uninterrupted sleep.  Drinking water before bed is a way to rehydrate the body and help you sleep better at night.  The Mintal Tracker will help you measure your sleep quality

Disadvantages of Drinking Water Before Bed

Interrupted Sleep

Your body naturally reduces urine production during sleep so that you can get six to eight uninterrupted hours per night. This allows most people to sleep without disruption. Some people can go to the bathroom once or twice during the night and then go straight back to bed.

However, this isn’t how it works for many. Getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom can often lead to trouble getting to sleep. Even those who can easily fall asleep again after urinating will suffer disrupted sleep if they have to do it several times throughout the night.

That’s what makes drinking water before bed a bad idea for many. Drinking a lot of water can increase urine production to the point that it disrupts the sleep cycle by necessitating multiple trips to the bathroom. And night after night of disturbed sleep or sleep deprivation can cause all kinds of negative health effects.

Health Detriments

People commonly wonder how much sleep is needed. Everyone needs between seven and nine hours of uninterrupted sleep throughout the night. If drinking water before bed is causing you to get less sleep than that by disrupting your natural sleep-wake cycle, it can wreak havoc on your whole body.

Negative mental health impacts from sleep loss can show themselves quickly. Even short-term sleep deprivation can ruin your mood and make you irritable and fatigued. Long-term sleep deprivation can have its effects as well.

Insufficient sleep can lead to all kinds of issues like anxiety, depression, and cognitive problems. It can also make it difficult for you to regulate your emotions.

Is Drinking Water Before Bed Good Or Bad?-Mintal

Should You Be Drinking Water Before Bed?

That really depends on whether your body can handle the amount of water you’re drinking without keeping you awake all night. Some people find that anticipatory thirst right before bed can help them fall asleep without experiencing too much nighttime urination.

However, most people find it’s better to have their last glass of water an hour or two before sleep so they can sleep through the night. Most people may discover that drinking more water earlier at night can help them get enough water without disrupting their sleep.

Water is one of the healthiest drinks. It contains many valuable minerals and nutrients that meet your body daily needs. It also provides hydration, and lubricates and cushions the joints for your body. Keep drinking water before bed, you will benefit from it a lot – your body can function properly and stay healthy. By the way, you can drink milk or other healthy fluid before bed.

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