Why Should We Use A Sleep Tracking App?

Sleep tracking apps have the potential to improve health and sleep as the quality of our sleep can be adversely affected by a number of factors we are unaware of. It is no longer a mystery how we slept last night. These apps use technology to track how many hours of sleep each user gets, how many times they wake up at night, and how much they sleep.

Why Should We Use A Sleep Tracking App?-Mintal

Why Should We Track Our Sleep?

Sleep tracking apps have made it easier for us to understand our sleep patterns and uncover the root causes of sleep disturbance.

1. Understand the causes of poor sleep

Using your device’s microphone and movement tracker, these apps can help identify why you’re not sleeping well. Sleep disorders, such as snoring and sleep apnea, that you may not be aware of can also be discovered.

2. Boost your Sleep Quality

The quality of your sleep is just as important as how much you sleep. You could be causing yourself a lot of problems simply by sleeping irregularly. These apps can provide you with data concerning your sleep cycle, which will ultimately help you to improve your sleep.

Why Should We Use A Sleep Tracking App?-Mintal

3. Environmental changes

A sleep tracker measures factors like lighting and temperature in your bedroom and relates these signals to your sleep cycle to help you improve the quality of your sleep.

4. Wake up rested

Smart sleep trackers typically have an alarm that wakes you up when you’re in a light sleep stage, rather than when you’re asleep deeply. This makes you feel more energetic and less groggy when you wake up.


Have you already started tracking your sleep? Sleep tracking can bring you powerful wellness benefits at any stage of the sleep-improvement. If you have trouble sleeping, why not add it to your wellness routine?

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