Is Insomnia A Symptom of COVID?

Sleep troubles and the coronavirus go hand-in-hand, but there are some steps to combat COVID-related insomnia.

How to Get Beauty Sleep to Look Younger

Beauty sleep is real, you can feel and look better with enough sleep duration and quality.

Why Should We Use A Sleep Tracking App?

A sleep tracking app has the potential to improve health and sleep.

Wide Awake at 3 AM? Do I Have Insomnia?

Check out Mintal Tracker for six quick ways to get rid of insomnia. Help you get the best sleep

How to Stop Mouth Breathing at Night?

Chronic mouth breathing can lead to gum disease, bad breath, snoring, hypopnea, and sleep apnea. How to stop mouth breathing…

Snoring Sounds and Their Types

If you've ever laid awake at night listening to someone snore, you know that not all snoring sounds the same.

How to Know if I Have Sleep Apnea?

You may have heard that frequent snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. It's true that snoring is one of…

Why Do I Have Nightmares Every Night?

When you have a lot of nightmares, roughly one every night, that can lead to stress and insomnia.

What If My Dog Snore?

We hope this overview of dog snore was helpful, so you can get back to peaceful nights with your pooch.

Is Sleeping Naked Good for Me?

Did you know that you can get additional benefits by sleeping naked?