Living a long, productive life requires regular physical activity that can improve your sleep and wake you up feeling more refreshed every morning. Though exercise is essential, whether we should exercise before bed or not is a hotly debated topic.

Can Exercise Before Bed Disrupt Sleep?
Not necessarily. Generally, exercise has no adverse effects on people’s sleep near bedtime. Many perceive it as a means of relaxing their minds, calming their anxiety, and easing their depression before sleep.
Exercise at night may lead to trouble sleeping for some people, since everyone reacts differently. If you fall into this category, you should allow yourself a few hours between your workout and sleep time. This will allow you to cool down your body temperature, stabilize your heartbeat, and calm your adrenaline.

The Best Exercise Before Bed
1. Bear Hugs and Snow Angels
It opens your chest, releases tension in your back and shoulders, and counteracts bad posture, which contributes to stress, mood, breathing, and circulation problems.
2. Child’s Pose
It is similar to a kneeling lat stretch, but it is more relaxed. It improves your ability to tune into your breath, reduces stress, and relaxes your body.
You will enable your circulatory system to renew itself by passively activating your core with this bedtime stretch. Relaxing poses like these reduce tension in your back, shoulders, and neck.
4. Seated Forward Fold
With this pose, you can stretch out your back and hamstrings, two areas of tension. Stretching your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings will help you to relax. It will also help your lower back and improve your alignment.

When exercising right before bedtime, keep the intensity moderate and the duration short. This will lower your body’s core temperature, making it easier to fall asleep.